This chapter examines festival volunteering financial and intangible benefits and costs for the individual, the organization, and society. Empirical material consists of survey data from the Peace & Love Festival, to date the largest city festival in Sweden, built by continually integrating and expanding volunteer forces as it grows. It is organized as follows: Section two reviews the literature related to volunteering, subjective well- being, and social capital. It ends by summarizing costs and benefits at the individual, organizational, and societal level. Section three describes the case of the Peace & Love Festival. Section four presents the results of our study and section five concludes the chapter. It modeled a cost-benefit analysis for volunteering at festivals and events from the perspectives of the individual, organizations, and society. The approach has been to extend the costs and benefits with intangible values related to event impact evaluation, such as happiness and subjective well-being, as well as long-term effects on the local economy.