No other subject we have dealt with in the columns of our paper has provoked such a strong reaction from our readers as the subject of Polish-Jewish relations and, in particular, the problem of Polish society’s attitude to the Jewish Holocaust perpetrated on Polish soil during the Second World War. Following the publication of Jan Blonksi’s article [chapter 2] and later the articles by Stanislaw Salmonowicz, Ewa Berberyusz and Stanislaw Sila-Nowicki [chapters 3, 4 and 5], we have received nearly 200 letters and articles. The majority of these expressed views critical of Blonski’s argument; but there were among them also voices in support of it. Some people expressed surprise that our paper had agreed to publish Sita-Nowicki’s article! Let me make it clear right from the beginning that-just as the voices of our readers have revealed such a wide diversity of opinion-we, who have always been committed to the idea of the plurality of viewpoints, deemed it right and proper to publish the work of someone whose views are diametrically opposite to those of Professor Blonski.