This volume represents the latest attempt by the editors to understand how the forces of globalisation coincide and conflict with localisation through economic, political, media and cultural processes. In our teaching and research, we have long wrestled with questions of cultural imperialism versus protectionism in Asia (typified by the survival of the Asian values movement), Americanisation versus indigenisation, globalisation versus localisation. These concerns have led to an abiding curiosity about the way identities are formed and re-formed by the constant interaction and collision of assorted external influences. We are particularly intrigued by postmodern approaches, which understand identity as a fluid and subjective concept that is not temporally or spatially settled. In short, we dismiss the idea of identity as inert, consistent and unalterable. Rather, we prefer to regard identities as flexible, permeable, coexisting and multiple, so we can now experience our local, national, regional and even international identities, depending on the situation in which we find ourselves.