Why should management be concerned with interprofessional collaboration? Is it enough for management merely to expect collaboration to be implemented? This chapter sets out to explore some of the pressures that bear on practising professionals, who might well see collaboration as yet one more call on their time and energy. The roles of management in this context are thus worthy of some attention.

The challenges that face every health care system are discussed in relation to those who are entrusted with its management. The consideration of different models of health care form the environment in which the managers' roles are discussed. These include the management of collaboration and the related management of expertise.

Still on this wider canvas, the chapter sketches the important tasks that are involved in managing the vision that illuminates major organisational change. This is followed by a closer look at what managers may be able to encourage and implement at the local level.

Will management take up the challenge and plan for real and sustained collaboration, including some quite fundamental research? Will management not only expect collaboration, but also foster a culture that facilitates, recognises and rewards collaboration?