Tamil kari. curry (2), v, esp 'to curry a horse, to curry

leather', whence clurier, a dresser of tanned leather. See ARRAY, para 4.

C'III'Ilet n and v; accune, whence the pa aeeursed, 'To accurse' derives from ME acursien, a-used

int+curslen, to curse, whence 'to curse': ME curs/en dcrlves from OE cursian, itself from late OE curs, whence 'a curse'. The OE word is 0.0.0.: perh from ML cursus, a COUllSE or series ofprayers (esp prayers of imprecation), from LL cursus, the order of a church service; ef, however, OIr c/irsOCim, I chide. with r curs-, akin to the 8yn OIr cairigim. (d Ga coirich), I blame or chide. EW suggests that OB curs derives from ONF curuz, from OF corOl, anger, from OF-MF coroder, to anger, from VL ·corruptiilre, from L corruptus, pp of corrumpere (ef CORRUPT): a likelier origin.