S. Gr phthongos has cpd diphthongos (dl-for dis, twice), whence, via LL diphthongus, the F diphthongue, whence E diphthong.

pboneJ. See ADDENDA. phOllOlJ'llpb. See PHONE, 3. phospborescenee, phospboreseeDt; phosphoric and

pIwspborous, from pbospborus. The last derives from L Phosphorus, the Morning

Star, Gr Ph6sphoros, from pMsphoros, lightbringer: cf the elements phos-and pho,.. The F form phosphort has denvatives phosphortscence and phosphorescent, prob influeDcing the E. words, and phosplwte (Chern -ate), adopted by E Cf:

photic derives from Gr pMt-, o/s of pMs.ligbt. The element photo-occurs notably in photograph (ci the element -gJ'tlfh), whence photographic and pbotograpby and, V1ll the v photograpb, the agent photographer.