Consultation at initial stage (score between 0 and 15): these are events, meetings or activities which aimed to provide an opportunity for teaching staff, non-teaching staff, parents, pupils and governors to contribute their ideas about the content of the policy. They took place prior to or alongside the draft policy being formulated. The criteria for grading varies according to the group being consulted and the school could score up to three points for consultation with each group. Given that most schools have a regular series of staff meetings with teaching staff, there had to be be more than four staff meetings or consultation events for the school to gain three points for consultation with its teachers. For consultation with non-teaching staff, parents, pupils and governors there needed to be more than one opportunity for consultation to take place to score three points. No consultation scored

zero; a first or incomplete attempt at consultation would score one (i.e. one teaching staff meeting, on agenda at PTA); a reasonable but not extensive effort (i.e. two or three teaching staff meetings, one governors/parents meeting) scored two.