The opportunity to work and the kind of job one has are the most important determinants of the life-style of a person and their family. Employment provides not only income but also status in society, self-esteem, the possibility of personal achievement, and the opportunity for social contact. An individual’s prospect for employment is shaped by personal factors such as education, training, skills, determination, contacts and perhaps luck. However, the wider economic environment is also very important. If there are not enough jobs in the economy for all those who want to work, then some will be unemployed. If some of these jobs are only part time and/ or seasonal, then some people may be forced to accept less work and thus less income than they would like. They may, in fact, be forced to take more than one job in order to achieve an adequate income on which to live. The shape of the economy will also determine the type of opportunities that are available for work, including whether a person works for himself or herself, or for a firm; which industries are important; and the mix of occupations within these industries. Finally, where one lives is important, since all these factors just mentioned vary from place to place. The opportunities for work may be very different for a young person in Guildford than for one in Middlesbrough.