The Knight's Tale 381 For to be fals, ne for to be traitour 1130 To me, that am thy cosyn and thy brother Y-sworn ful depe, and ech of us til oother, That never, for to dyen in the peyne, Til that deeth departe shal us tweyne, Neither of us in love to hyndrc oother, Ne in noon oother cas, my leeve brother, But that thou sholdest trewely forthren me In every cas, as I shal forthren thee. This was thyn ooth, and myn also certeyn; I woot right wei thou darst it nat withseyn. Thus artow of my conseil, out of doute: And now thow woldest falsly been aboute To love my lady, whom I love and serve. And ever shal, til that myn herte sterve. Nay certes, false Arcite, thow shalt nat so; I loved hire first, and tolde thee my wo As to my cosyn, and my brother sworn To forthre1 me, as I have toold biforn. For which thou art y-bounden as a knyght To helpen me, if it lay in thy myght; 1150 Or elles artow fals, I dar wei seyn.'