A topic such as the Jews in the Hellenistic cities of Acts presents many difficulties for the historian of Judaism and early Christianity. Undoubtedly there is historical information present in Acts,1 but given Luke’s skill as a writer and the obvious impact on the narrative of his concerns and theology, it is no easy task to assess the information provided in the quest for authentic information on the period covered by Acts (c.27-63 CE) or on the situation at the time of its composition. The task becomes more complex when account is taken of issues such as the extent and quality of the material gathered by the writer, the particular audience he had in mind, the aim or aims he set himself to fulfil and apologetic motives that consciously or unconsciously may have influenced his composition.2 It is further complicated by the fact that Luke’s narrative deals with Jewish communities spread over a wide geographic area, communities that may have differed quite significantly in their religious views and practices.3 The diversity that existed within early Christianity, evident from Acts itself (cf. 6.1-6; 15.1-2; 20.30; 21.20b-25), must also be borne in mind.4 Ostensibly, it would seem a less arduous task to ascertain the writer’s attitude towards the Jews in his two-volume work, but that this is far from the case is suggested by the variety of opinions on the subject.5