François Quesnay (1759) and Physiocratic followers invested with magic a Tableau Économique by purporting to unveil the secrets of general equilibrium. This was greeted with genial skepticism by Adam Smith (1776) and with constructive respect by Karl Marx (1885, 1894; 1905-10) when investigating his own Tableaux of (Stationary and Expanding) Reproduction. Modern commentators on Quesnay’s Tableau, aside from Warren Samuels (1969) himself, have related it to the independent input/output workshops of Wassily Leontief and Piero Sraffa-as in Shigeto Tsuru (1942), George Malanos (1946), Almarin Phillips (1955), Warren Samuels (1969), Shlomo Maital (1972), Paul Samuelson (1982), and Walter Eltis (1996).