In sport, just like in many manifestations of life, athletes are examples for others. Their behaviour, dress, technique of movements are copied. Specialized literature pays little attention to the pattern of technique of elite athletes; instead stress is placed upon standard technique. A significant question arising for the training of soccer players is vhether they can have patterns of technique. The answer is yes, but only partly. High efficiency in play is assured mainly by individual technique, i.e. that comprising physical traits, motor and psychological features of the given athletes. Nevertheless there are elements of technique vhich are beneficial for everyone. These include the symmetry of movements. This is seen in football in the identical effectiveness of both legs. This could be a pattern. In practice, it has been so for years, but not all had been avare of it. It vas veil knovn a long time ago that an elite soccer player is able to shoot and pass a ball precisely using either his left or his right leg, and is able to dodge an opponent on either side. A lot vas vritten about such players vho vere considered vorthy examples to copy.