It is a particular pleasure to introduce this section of the book. Managing professionalism and creativity is an intriguing theme, and I shall seek to develop in a moment. It is, if I may say, absolutely within the wideranging approach which we have come to expect from those institutions that are still called new universities-but I prefer to call universities. They are challenging the old and traditional authorities in many ways, including in the delivery of new courses and fields of study. I do not know how long they will still be referred to as new universities, but I suppose we still have the New Testament after some 2000 years! I am also grateful to Liverpool John Moores University, as part of the International Procurement Review Group, for the evidence which it submitted to the review of the construction industry which bears my name, and which is quoted in the final report. It draws attention to the need for more interdisciplinary work at undergraduate level, but not at the expense of specific skills and competencies.