This system requires the use of conventional refuse chutes or, alternatively, where it is accepted that tenants may carry their refuse to ground fl oor level, then the use of chutes connected to a central loading point. It can handle any refuse which can normally be put in the chute. The lower end of the chute terminates in a valve chamber, where the chute is connected by lead-in pipe to horizontal steel transporter pipe(s) of approx. 525 mm diameter which are laid below ground. Refuse falling down the chute rests on a fl at valve disc at the bottom of the chute. This valve connects with the lead-in pipe. The functions of the valve are to provide a base upon which refuse in the chute can be stored and to create a seal when vacuum is being created in the transporter pipes by extractor turbines. The valves in the system are opened at predetermined intervals and the refuse is ‘dumped’ into the tube and carried along the underground pipeline at high speed to a central collecting bin. Starting and switch operations are executed at intervals and it is possible to clear 144 chutes in 30 minutes:- average 12 sec. per chute.