British electroacoustics engineer; one of the research team at Columbia Graphophone Co., Ltd., in London from 1929. He and H.E. Holman developed a moving coil microphone-known as the EMI type HB-1; patenting this device (U.K. #350,998), and also a single turn moving coil cutting head (U.K. #350,954 and #350,998). However, he is best known for his pioneering research into stereophonic recording, having demonstrated stereo discs in the early 1930s that illustrated the same principles employed commercially a quarter century later. He designed and patented a stereo system in 1931, and directed a recording of the London Philharmonic, under Thomas Beecham, partly in stereo, on 19 Jan 1934. He also made a successful stereo motion picture soundtrack (1935). He died in a Halifax bomber crash.