The results of correlation analyses presented in Table 5.7 are surprising in many points. The classification of countries into these five categories is based on their HDI \·,tlues; and den-loping c0l1l1tries and industrial countries are in dillerent categories. EH and its three components are negatively correlated with HD-95 only in the first category. In the other lour categories, the correlations of EH with HD-95 are, contrary to the hypothesis, near zero or clearly positive. This means that the results of these correlation analyses do not support the research hYlJothesis. Real GDP per capita anel HDI do not prO\-ide better explanations I()r the variation in HD-95. In most cases, their correlations with HO-95 are positi\'c as hypothesized, but correlations are ncar zero. In the fifth category, their correlations with HD-95 are relatively strong but contrary to the hypothesis, negatin'. Howcver, because the Humber of countries is very small (sewn) in this category, we do not need to pay any serious attention to those correlations. The level of democratization (ID-93) is moderately correlated with HD-95 in the first category, hut in the other categories correlations are near zero or negatin·.