Thc prescnt papcr dcals with hm\' and \\'II\' loyalty structures and group idelltilication (proto-dhnoccntrism) C\'(lh-C ill thc COlltt'xt of intcr-group agonistic hchm'iour and Illale HTSUS Ji'male transl!:'r in primates, social carni\'l)J'cs, dolph ills. and early hominids (all social and 'hrainy' specics). Rathcr than 'aggrcssion' hm\'!'\'!'r conceptualized Van (ieI' Dcnncn's I !)9~ I in\'('stigation of the cWllutionary origins of inlt'r-grollp conniet in social carni\'()ITS anrl primatcs idcntified (a) the capahility to limn polyadic coalitions (seilish and opportunistic co-operation \\'ith mon' than one conspeci()c) as the neccssary pre-condition, which in turn required (h) sociality; (c) ~lachia\'('lIian intclligence; and (d) group territoriality and protoctillloccntrism, Proto-ethnocentrism is supposcd to imply sOllie kind of group identity. i.c" the ahility to recognizc in-group n-rSllS flut-g'J'(lllP nWlllhers, to discriminatc Iwt\\'('cn these categorics, and to prdi .. n'ntially treat in-group nWl1lhers to posit in' reciprocal (altruistic) inh'ract iOlls such as protcctioll. llepotism, and sharin).!; ofresourccs. The papcr outlines the phylogenctic and socio-ecological principles gOHTning group JiJl'lllation, in-group altruism. out-group antagonism, ami intn-group ag()l\isti~' I)('ha\'iour.