Good internal communications may not just be about differentiating your company in terms of consumer branding. Cowlett (1999b) quotes a survey of 275 analysts and portfolio managers by Ernst & Young in 1998 which found that investors base their decision to buy or sell stock in a company on non-financial as well as financial performance. ‘Investors’ perceptions of improvements in areas such as corporate strategy, innovation and the ability to attract and retain talented people can have a major impact on the share price.’ A study by the Journal of Marketing stated that 68 per cent of customers defect from an organisation because of staff attitudes or indifference (Cowlett 1999b). Conversely, another survey found that 41 per cent of customers said they were most likely to buy a company’s products or services again if staff treated them well,

regardless of advertising, branding or promotional activity (MORI/MCA 1999). These findings emphasise the importance not only of employees’ understanding of the company and their role within it, but also of their actual commitment to the company objectives.