In the summer of 2009 the research branch of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture, known as AMO, submitted a report to the European Climate Foundation called “Eneropa.” As part of the Foundation’s Roadmap 2050: A Practical Guide to a Prosperous, Carbon-Free Europe, AMO had been commissioned to provide the “graphic narrative” that would help communicate the extensive technical, economic, and policy analysis performed by the Climate Foundation’s consulting firms (Figure 11.1). AMO’s contribution redraws the map of “Eneropa” according to method of energy generation: “Geothermalia” in northwestern Europe; “Solaria” across the Mediterranean south; the “Tidal States” of the UK; “Biomassburg” in the Baltics; North, West, East and Central “Hydropia” hug the mountain regions. Not only do the names and divisions on this new map toy with geopolitical histories – most potently in the CCSR (Carbon Capture and Storage Republics) written across the former CCCP/USSR – each region is also fancifully represented with the mechanisms of a new energy technology. A blanket of solar panels, for example, is strewn across the rooftops of Barcelona. As AMO partner Rainer de Graaf noted in presenting the project, by suggesting “the complete integration and synchronization of the EU’s energy infrastructure,” “Eneropa” shows how “Europe can take maximum advantage of its geographic diversity towards a complementary system of energy provision ensuring energy security for future generations.” 1 AMO “Map of Eneropa,” 2009, courtesy of European Climate Foundation. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203630105/465b1b15-d347-42ad-b64c-36a0f6d23e05/content/fig11_1_C.jpg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>