The tools we use today are digital-their impact on our times is undeniable. It is always the case with whatever we create-the tools are somehow an undeniable part of the product. These new tools give us new ways of seeing, new eyes-possibly a new future-almost to the point where one can think digitally. The screen becomes the body; only the gesture now becomes a translated thing-a thing outside of itself. And with this digitalization of everything around us, we have found a common way of linking such benign relations as between, for example, a gust of wind and the spiraling trace of a leaf, a richer way, we believe, of describing things outside of their usual definitions where architecture becomes part of the whole-beyond just its own egoistic interests but now describable in a very technical way, a very objective way, no longer just a propositional notion, but also in a very real and exact materialized way.