With technology supercharging the new century, two myths vie for supremacy in the United States.The first might be christened “Genesis, Chapter 51”:

And finally it came to pass that God repented of the punishment which God had meted out to Eve and Adam.And God gave unto Eve and Adam and all of their descendants as a gift unto them forever a new Garden,which was full of all manner of wondrous things. And these included all the knowledge from the Tree of Life of which people were needful in order to make for themselves lives of peace, grace, and abundance. And God saw that it was good. And also God gave unto Eve and Adam and all of their descendants the ability to share knowledge among themselves, to communicate easily among themselves no matter where or how far apart they might variously journey, to form themselves into groups howsoever they might wish, and to produce as though in an instant all the things necessary for their comfort and enjoyment. And the name for this new Garden of knowledge-without-limit which the Lord God gave unto all the people living upon the face of the Earth was Cyberspace.