“Feminism” is a relatively new phenomenon for many; in 2015, in fact, it was the word that most frequently needed explanation in at least one major online dictionary. Therefore, feminism is novel, and often misunderstood, as a framework for communication researchers trying to explain differences in how communication is perceived and enacted. Beginning with the 15th century, more clearly defined areas emerged trying to understand “feminism” and the problems of this phenomenon and its place in rapidly changing societies. Theorists often drew on a number of disciplines and methodologies to better describe and explain how feminism has impacted on the new world in which few of the basic “truths” remained valid, from working roles to the place each gender held in society. Based on the concept of intersectionality, this chapter explores schema theory and several psychological and sociological theories. It then turns to a discussion of the contemporary problem of sexual harassment and the 2016 presidential election from a feminist perspective.