In listening to the depressed client one hears certain themes recited recurrently. This litany centers around pronouncements which interfere with the forward motion of therapy and sometimes prompt the therapist to feel that “if I hear this once more …” These statements may be lifestyle-related or situation-related. The therapist hears:

“I am a victim of my depression.” Following this statement are numerous complaints concerning the severity and tenacity of the depression, complaints about sleep, appetite, concentration, sex.

“I am a victim of life.” In this attribution of blame the client may refer to a single “trauma” (the precipitating incident) or to a lifelong series of unfairness committed by others or by life itself. This other-blaming often alludes to the parental role in bringing up the child. One hears people say, “My mother loved me but she died.” In addition, there are the laments of “Why did this happen to me?” as if the person should have some special exemption from the vicissitudes of life, and often “Why is God punishing me?”

“I am a victim of myself.” Clients describe themselves as inadequate, a recent failure, a chronic failure, persons who have once or always done the wrong thing. Like Job the client questions, “What have I done so wrong that God is punishing me?” Sometimes this is given as an affirmative statement. The person knows what he has done wrong to incur the wrath of God or Fate.

“I am helpless.” There is little or nothing that clients feel that they can do either about past events, the current situation, or themselves. “I’ve felt this way so long.” “I know I should do something but I can’t get myself to do it.” “I tell myself I have to stop crying but the tears still keep coming.” Such clients feel that they have little or no control over life. Seligman (1975) describes depression as “learned helplessness.”

“I am hopeless.” Again attribution of blame may fall on life, others, or the self. “Life has really shafted me.” “If only I had done something before, but now it’s too late.” “I loused myself up so badly, I’ll never get out of this. I might just as well kill myself.” “The past was terrible, the present even worse if that is possible, and the future is hopeless.”