The effectiveness of benzodiazepines as anxiolytic drugs has prompted a number of studies on their essential pharmacological profile as related to their ability to reduce anxiety. Frequently the degree of anxiety induced by novelty has been assessed by the duration of exploratory behavior or the frequency of social interactions; benzodiazepines reportedly enhance both parameters. The benzodiazepine capability to lessen the behavioral inhibition elicited by punishment is termed “anticonflict” action. Several lines of independent investigations have created a consensus of opinion that gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) ergic transmission participates in the anticonvulsant and anxiolytic action of benzodiazepines. A continuum of behavioral states ranging from tension and panic to relaxation and calm can be brought about by various chemicals acting as ligands of benzodiazepine recognition sites. Whether or not this recognition site for benzodiazepines located on GABA receptors has a physiological role is still controversial.