The requirement that must be met to perform each of the diachronic analysis that are described in this chapter is that the authors have an intrasessional following record, which implies the continuous record of each observational session. And our proposal consists of organizing qualitative data in a systematized structure (matrix of codes), that is qualitative, but that is possible to analyze quantitatively considering their temporal organization. Integration plays a crucial role in the diachronic analysis of qualitative data within the framework of mixed methods. The interest in diachronic studies has been evidenced in various ways and, here, the authors are particularly interested in highlighting the quantitative analysis of qualitative data from direct and indirect systematic observation. The lag sequential analysis, the analysis of polar coordinates, and the TPA offer three different ways for a diachronic analysis, always involving scrutinizing the structure of behavior, and from rigorous quantitative analyses that are very suitable for qualitative data.