Inspired by Onwuegbuzie and Combs's three-dimensional model for categorizing and organizing orientations for mixed analysis, the nonverbal communication analysis model calls attention to the complexity of meaning making. However, for the purpose of the chapter, the focus on NVC enables the reader to concentrate on the features of mixed methods analysis, also known as mixed analysis. NVC analysis can involve quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and mixed analysis. Of all the available mixed analysis techniques, integrated data displays appear to have the most potential for incorporating NVC analysis. The use of digital and non-digital tools to collect NVC data has been demonstrated as being a common approach for researchers of online or digital meaning making. Research of learning in online spaces, however, can hinge on data collected solely in an online space. NVC analysis can and should be methodical and attend to multiple meanings, including those that challenge, clarify, and/or contradict verbal communication.