The premise underpinning the content of this chapter is that analysis and interpretation of qualitative data can be expanded by researchers choosing to apply data mining techniques, namely, a decision tree algorithm called chi-square automatic interaction detection. Additionally, to justify the application of CHAID to the analysis of qualitative data, a juxtaposition is presented that compares the analytical activities and strengths that characterize a qualitative data analysis to the analytical activities and strengths of a CHAID data mining technique. The cycle of activities that characterizes a qualitative data analysis-namely, data condensation, data display, and forming and verifying conclusions-also characterizes the strengths underpinning a CHAID analysis. Using CHAID to analyze qualitative data can permit the researcher to address more complex questions. The appropriate use of CHAID in the analysis of qualitative data leads researchers to draw conclusions and meta-inferences unlikely to occur without implementing this form of analysis.