This chapter discusses gender as a theme in the coverage of religion in Scandinavian, particularly Swedish, newspapers. Freedom of the press has a strong support in Scandinavian societies along with a recognition of the significant role of the media in democratic deliberation. Scandinavian populations rank secular-rational values and gender equality among the highest in the world. At the same time, state support for and membership in Lutheran majority churches is maintained. Religious diversity is high on the political agenda following recent migration from Muslim majority regions. Tensions between freedom of speech, freedom of religion and gender equality are salient in political and media debates. Against this background the chapter focuses on how religion and women have been covered in news journalism, editorials and feature articles. Theories of representation, framing and mediatization will be used to highlight dominant patterns and complexities that emerge in newspaper articles and to discuss why newspapers combine and contrast gender and religion in dealing with social, religious and political changes that have taken place over the last decades.