Guided by Karen Barad’s diffractive methodology, Karin and Sumaya’s material- discursive analysis focuses on how three video-recording practices bring into being, specific child- material-discourse entanglements during their philosophical exploration of the picturebook How to Find Gold (2016) by Viviane Schwarz. They conduct a diffractive reading of three different video angles of the circle, the children’s legs and the chairs on which they are sitting. Their reading opens up the possibility to think differently about what it means ‘to fidget’. Illustrated by images and a link to a technically ‘still’ image that moves, they argue that the technology of photography and video-production matters ontologically, epistemologically and ethically in research. Their experimentation materialises a double de/colonising move. What e/merges are new perspectives on how the inclusion of the material (the use of camera and video as an apparatus) in knowledge production show how space plays an active pedagogical role in the literacy classroom, thereby at the same rendering children capable as knowledge producers.