Nutrition plays a major role in body composition, muscle retention, hormone concentrations, and anabolic and catabolic responses in the body. Specific nutrients are broken down and rebuilt in recurring processes that help the athlete utilize food for energy. Protein is an essential macronutrient that is known as the building block for cell structure, immune function, enzyme generation and skeletal muscle function. Proteins are nitrogen based and bound with carbons, oxygens, and hydrogens, and occasionally have side chains consisting of groups that give them unique properties. Micronutrients are minerals and vitamins, which are utilized by the body to promote growth, aid metabolism, and/or support physiological operation. Vitamins and minerals are essential and must be obtained in sufficient quantities in the diet as the body cannot synthesize these compounds on its own. The chapter aims to characterize the potential nutrient requirements based on published literature of caloric expenditure and document existing nutritional programs available to motorsport athletes.