This chapter forecasts that, in the near future the area devoted to genetically modified (GM) crops in developing countries exceeds the industrialised countries. China has become one of the largest producers of GM crops in the world, thus the international and domestic biotech corporations attempts to conquer the Chinese seed market. The chapter reviews the role, risk perceptions, and vested interests of three groups of political and social actors involved in the politics of GMOs in China: the central state, the transnational biotech companies, and the NGOs and independent experts. The role played by domestic NGOs in the biotech arena is relatively small, public discussions over the risks of GMOs have been stimulated through the active participation of international NGOs. US-based Monsanto is by far the most important transnational player in GM crops, both internationally and in the Chinese market. Monsanto attempts to market in China GM soybean, known as Roundup Ready soybeans, and Bt cotton named BollGard cotton.