WHAT follows is an account of a programme of work in the psycho-genetics 2 of some aspects of emotional behaviour in the rat, begun in 1954 and still in progress. While the intention has been to make it complete in itself, reference to related investigations published elsewhere will be necessary from time to time. However, the main body of the purely psychogenetical work has not been previously discussed, except in preliminary reports (Broadhurst, 1958d, 1959), and the present account covers the work up to December 1958. It is written for psychologists, so that a knowledge of statistical procedures is assumed, but none of genetics beyond simple Mendelian formulations. Accordingly an attempt will be made, as it becomes necessary, to sketch the main principles of the methods of biometrical genetics which are used. This, however, can be no substitute for the detailed consideration by interested readers of the assumptions, methods and controversies of biometrical genetics, some of which may be sampled in the references given.