In the beginning, God and Lilith and Adam sat in the garden negotiating the construction of nature. Lilith, who was farsighted, quick and strong of mind, negotiated well and the world began to be pleasing to women. But God and Adam were not pleased; they muttered together; and they banished Lilith from the garden and they made a pact, lt was agreed that Adam could decide what was what if God could be constructed as almighty; they both vowed to claim that nature was a given and that Adam could know it and name it. The next day, Adam and almighty God constructed Eve and told her it was all over before she got there and women just were second rate by nature. Now Eve and her daughters doubted this in their hearts, but many years passed before the daughters of Eve—moved by the power and desire of Lilith, a living spirit in the root of their minds—reopened negotiations and reshaped the world.