Health Care Fraud e health care industry is the largest single industry in the U.S. economy. In 2011, it accounted for roughly 17.9 percent of the United States gross domestic product (Fuchs, 2013). Considering that the United States has a trillion-dollar-plus economy, it’s certain that big numbers are involved. What does the health care industry comprise? Obviously, doctors and all of the medical services that they provide are a part of the industry, but only part. e health care industry also includes hospitals, treatment centers, nursing homes, outpatient clinics, testing laboratories, and a host of other health-related facilities and programs. Any sort of organization that provides any kind of medical service is part of the health care industry. It also includes all of the companies that provide medical equipment and supplies, which can range from Band-Aids to advanced magnetic resonance imaging machines. As we will see, there are also companies that provide record keeping, accounting, and billing services for health care providers and organizations. Finally, of course, there are the pharmaceutical companies. So, it’s a big industry, involving a lot of money. Unfortunately, a lot of the money that goes into the health care industry is lost to fraud and abuse.