The mechanisms of the human visual system organize neural representations for several levels of knowledge, ranging from simple sensations to complex conceptual processes. A number of methods have been used to investigate the neural processes involved in knowledge representation. These methods range from studies of single neuron activities to imaging techniques (i.e., CAT, PET, & MRI) that reveal activities in large cerebral systems. Since the activities of single neurons and large brain systems can be driven by sensory, perceptual and conceptual conditions of experiments, there is clearly some uncertainty as to how and where the human nervous system represents knowledge. This state-of-the-art suggests that the activities obtained from different levels of neuronal organization may not have the same meaning, and some effort may be required to discover how each level (i.e., neuron-to-system) participates in the knowledge representation process. This discovery process can be subsumed within a single question: How would one recognize and substantiate knowledge processes in the varied activities that can be obtained from the human brain?