The cognitive approach to panic, as presented by Clark and by Beck in this volume, appears to offer a compelling integrative account that is consistent with much of what is known about this disorder. It has also generated a treatment which appears remarkably effective, essentially eliminating panic attacks in a condition which has not previously responded well to psychological treatments. These are very considerable achievements. However, there is a danger that the rightful respect and enthusiasm that this work has generated may inhibit critical examination of possible limitations in theory and evidence. Confronting these limitations will, in the long run, best serve the field and facilitate the emergence of a valid psychobiological account of panic disorder. It is in this spirit that this chapter addresses the following questions:

Is the cognitive model of panic disorder really saying anything new or different from other points of view?

Just how convincing is the evidence for the cognitive approach to panic, compared to alternative accounts?

How persuasive is the evidence for the clinical effectiveness of cognitive treatments for panic?