Since its recognition in 1981 (Gottlieb, Schroff, Schanker, Weisman, Fan, Wolf, & Saxon, 1981; Masur, Michelis, Greene, Onorato, Vande Stouwe, Holzman, Wormser, Brettman, Lange, Murray, & Cunningham-Rundles, 1981; Siegal, Lopez, Hammer, Brown, Kornfeld, Gold, Hassett, Hirschman, Cunningham-Rundles, Adelsberg, Parham, Siegal, Cunningham-Rundles, & Armstrong, 1981), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has rapidly become a serious problem which has spread to all continents of the world (DiClemente, Boyer, Mills, & Helquist, 1988). Recent advances in anti-retroviral therapies have produced promising, new therapeutic agents (Yarchoan & Broder, 1987), although, at present, there is no cure for AIDS.