Feeding and eating disorders involve practices that limit or distort eating behavior in a way that threatens physical health and interferes with social and emotional performance. The eating disorders of most concern to mental health practitioners are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge-Eating Disorder, although they also need to be aware of Pica, Rumination Disorder, and Avoidance/Restrictive Food-Intake Disorders. The disorders covered in this chapter are: Anorexia Nervosa; Bulimia Nervosa; Avoidance/Restrictive Food-Intake Disorder; and Binge-Eating Disorder. Two others disorders, Pica and Rumination Disorder, will be briefly considered. The case studies selected for this chapter demonstrate typical clinical presentations of eating disorders, highlighting the value of team treatment and pinpointing the specific challenges associated with each disorder. The Adlerian case study analysis includes consideration of the family constellation, early recollections, and an Adlerian conceptualization of the case designed to help the practitioner anticipate the client’s line of movement. Each case study demonstrates this issue of comorbidity and the necessity of treating both the eating disorder and the underlying comorbid condition in tandem or at least with conscious awareness of its presence.