Sidney Rosen, M.D. (University of Western Ontario), is in private practice in New York City. Rosen is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at New York University Medical Center and University Hospital. He has considerable background in psychoanalysis and is on the faculty of the American Institute for Psychoanalysis (Karen Horney). Founding President of the New York Society for Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis, Rosen has been an invited faculty member of three International Congresses on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (1980, 1983 and 1986) and three national Erickson seminars. He has conducted workshops on Ericksonian approaches at various locations in the United States and Europe. Author of numerous professional publications, Rosen is the editor of My Voice Will Go With You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson.