Most of the chapters in this volume were presented at sessions organized by the newly formed International Society for Comparative Psychology either before or during the 15th annual meeting of the Cheiron Society at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1983. The plan to hold the meeting in conjunction with the Cheiron Society was prompted by the need to form the new organization before the next International Congress of Psychology sponsored by the International Union of Psychological Sciences scheduled to take place in 1984 in Acapulco, Mexico. The timing was essential, because the new organization would have to be presented at that meeting for consideration for affiliate status to the IUPsyS, or else wait 2 or 4 more years for such action, if it were to take place. By having its first international meeting in 1983, the Society could establish itself as having had at least one international meeting, elect officers, regularly publish some type of communication for its members, and in general “be in business” by 1984.