The neurologically im paired patient w ith visual hem i-neglect is characterized by inadequate interaction w ith the visual environm ent. The quality of this interaction rests on m any factors, one of w hich involves oculom otor behavior. A lthough it has been said that the purpose of eye m ovem ents lies in the need to m aintain an object fixed in a particular w ay on the retina (W alls, 1962), the follow ing discussion show s that visual hem i-neglect ranges from a failure to look, to "looking w ithout seeing" (cf., Llew ellyn-Thom as, 1976). The m ain thesis of this chapter is double-sided; eye m ovem ent research has considerably enhanced our understanding of visual hem i-neglect, and there is m uch m ore that m ay be accom plished using this m ethodology to better investigate and define this problem .