This chapter presents some of the results of therapy based on the concepts of Patanjali, the value of which is being studied in the K. E. M. Hospital, Bombay. Click stated that "while conditioning therapy appears to be of greater value than psychotherapy in the treatment of phobias, neither is exactly what the world is waiting for." Drug therapy for the treatment of depressions has been less impressive. It may be stressed that the psychophysiological therapy represents a new approach to the treatment of psychiatric disorders. According to Patanjali, it is this preoccupation with the environmental gratifications and frustrations that is the root cause of many psychiatric disorders. In this therapy, the object is to remove or at least reduce this preoccupation. In 1970-1971, a double-blind study of psychophysiological treatment versus pseudo-treatment was carried out. In pseudo-treatment, the patients were asked to relax and do some postures resembling Asanas, and breathing practices resembling Pranayama.