Making Trouble develops and expands an intellectual endeavor that can be denoted by the shorthand term “cultural criminology”—shorthand for a mode of analysis that embodies sensitivities to image, meaning, and representation in the study of deviance, crime, and control. This notion of “cultural criminology” references both specific perspectives and broader orientations that have emerged in criminology, sociology, and criminal justice over the past few years, and that inform this collection. Most specifically, “cultural criminology” represents a perspective developed by Ferrell (1995c) and Ferrell and Sanders (1995), and likewise employed by Redhead (1995) and others (Kane 1998a), which explores the convergence of cultural and criminal processes in contemporary social life. More broadly, cultural criminology references the increasing analytic attention that many criminologists now give to popular culture constructions, and especially mass media constructions, of crime and crime control. It in turn highlights the emergence of this general area of media and cultural inquiry as a relatively distinct domain within criminology, as evidenced, for example, by the number of recently published collections undertaking explorations of media, culture, and crime (Anderson and Floward 1998; Bailey and Hale 1998; Barak 1994; Ferrell and Sanders 1995; Kidd-Hewitt and Osborne 1995; Potter and Kappeler 1998). Most broadly, the existence of a concept such as “cultural criminology” underscores the steady seepage in recent years of cultural and media analysis into the traditional domains of criminological inquiry, such that criminologists increasingly utilize this style of analysis to explore any number of conventional criminological subjects. As this collection shows, these range across the substantive domain of criminology, from drug use, interpersonal violence, and terrorism to policing, delinquency, and predatory crime.