This chapter discusses three experiments that investigated the role of sensory feedback in controlling drinking elicited in satiated rats by injecting a solution containing 24 × 10-10 moles of carbachol directly into the lateral preoptic area. The first experiment was designed to determine whether it was possible to extend carbachol-elicited drinking beyond the typical time course by making water available on a 1-minute variable-interval (VI) licking schedule. The second experiment was designed to validate the procedure of scheduled licking by comparing it with a different one for studying the same time-response function. The purpose of the third experiment was to determine whether cues from the mouth, as well as from the stomach, play a role in shutting off carbachol-induced drinking in the rat, as A. J. Miller, R. K. Sampliner, & P. Woodrow have shown that they do in deprivation-induced drinking and bar pressing for water.