The founder and first president of St. Paul's College was an Armenian, the Reverend Harutiun Jenanian. Because of his dynamic evangelism and practical achievements, he was popularly called "the Mr. Moody of Cilicia." The Young Turks had split into two factions, one favoring equal consideration for all citizens, the other intending to suppress all non-Turkish elements. Reverend Jenanian brought to Colonel Shepard's attention the great need for a college in the land of St. Paul to serve many studious Armenian young people there. The Missionary Board changed the name of the college at Tarsus to St. Paul's College and elected a board of trustees that was exclusively American. Among those who had found refuge at St. Paul's during the attack were about fifty orphans and several widows who were to go to the German orphanage in Marash. Turks and Armenians together shouted, "Liberty, Fraternity, Equality!" Discrimination and persecution would end.