Elliott R. Barkan is completing his term as President of the Immigration and Ethnic His tory Society and is a Professor Emeritus of History and Ethnic Studies at California State University San Bernardino. For seventeen years he was Book Review Editor of this jour nal. His research interests have focused on inter-disciplinary and multi-ethnic approaches to the study of immigration and ethnicity. His recent works include editing A Nation of Peoples: A Sourcebook on America’s Multicultural Heritage (1999), U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Laws and Policies: A Sourcebook (with Michael LeMay, 2001), and Making It in America: A Sourcebook on Eminent Ethnic Americans (2001). His current work is on the American West: “Turning Turner on His Head? The Significance of Im migration in Twentieth Century American Western History” New Mexico Historical Re view (Winter 2002); “Return of the Nativists?: California Public Opinion and Immigration in the 1980s and 1990s.” Social Science History (Summer 2003); “America in the Hand, Homeland in the Heart: Transnational and Translocal Immigrant Experiences in the Amer ican West,” Western Historical Quarterly (Autumn 2004); and From All Points: Amer ica’s Immigrant West, 1880–1952 (Indiana University Press, forthcoming).