This chapter describes the important role of the nonviolent movement advocated by Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhiji's agenda was universal in the conception of its goals such as the march towards a peaceful and cooperative world order, exploitation-free economy, dignity and justice for all human beings, goodwill and harmony between faiths and cultures, empowerment of women and respect for nature. These universal goals he believed could be achieved only through adherence to the eternal; values of truth, nonviolence, love, justice, kindness and compassion. In Gandhian philosophy the way forward is indicated as the need for humanity to embrace a culture of nonviolence. The culture of nonviolence includes the Gandhian concepts of Satyagraha, Sarvodaya, Swaraj, and Swadeshi. Swadeshi system is based on development in small communities in the villages. Such development would then result in the curbing of the mobility of the community toward the larger cities. Sociologists believe that people are capable of change given the right environment and nurturing.