In this chapter, the authors provide insight into some of the effects the anti-doping policy has on elite athletes’ well-being with regard to four main areas: reporting whereabouts, the Therapeutic Use Exemption-system, urine testing and a ban from sport. They suggest how the policy could be modified in order to minimize its negative effects on athletes. Athletes caught doping or breaching other aspects of the anti-doping regulations may be banned from competition. The chapter outlines options for improving anti-doping regulations and the implementation of anti-doping requirements in order to minimize their negative impact. Problems with anti-doping standards sometimes prevented athletes with a medical condition from obtaining the medicine they needed. World Anti-Doping Agency can ban an athlete from his or her sport following an anti-doping rule violation. The studies show that athletes in general are in favour of anti-doping measures but that the requirements may negatively impact the well-being of athletes.