Mountains and rivers have demarcated the border [of our country]. The customs of the North [China] and the South [Vietnam] are also different. We find [in antiquity] that the Triệu, the Đinh, the Lý, and Trhttps://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203796443/4905de19-9b5f-4de2-a31d-b7662c22ff25/content/acirct_B.tif" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>n [dynasties] built our country. Alongside the Han, Tang Song, and Yuan [dynasties], the rulers [of our dynasties] ruled as emperors over their own part [of the world represented by the North and the South].