Many people in our state and county today would seek to put us on a pedestal. Both of us have won numerous accolades and awards for our community service, but that was never the goal. In fact, there never really was a concrete goal. We both simply saw needs in our community and were compelled to step up and get involved. Writing this chapter has been much harder than either of us thought. We don’t have a life-changing moment like a car wreck or a murdered child that drives our work. Both of us have been affected by things (who hasn’t), but neither of us considers them as catalysts for our community involvement. “The work” truly has just been a part of our personal and professional lives since the start of our marriage. Probably not as dramatic as some other stories, but it is what it is. Looking back, we clearly have been at this a long time, but the time flew by and some days we wonder where it went. This is our story.